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Sew ins aid in our want to feel even more beautiful in a different way!

Along with maintaining your install, using your My Collection bundles, it's just as important to maintain your natural hair underneath. Clients can keep their natural hair healthy and on the track of growth by using tube oils that reach the scalp, coming into the shop for bi-weekly or monthly wash n styles, and by getting the proper conditioning treatments in-between sew ins!

Each specific type of sew in require different methods and amounts of maintenance.

Basic Sewn

Basic sew ins contain a part with minimal leave out and sometimes, even edges or perimeter are left out to achieve different looks such as pulling the hair back or up for ponytails. Basic sew ins are recommended to only be worn 2-3 months. It is vital to tie hair up at night with a silk head wrap to prevent excessive heat damage due to constant straightening. Keeping leave out properly moisturized aids in keeping exposed hair on track with unexposed hair in growth.

Shop visits are recommended at least once a month for proper washing and drying and of course a HairSlay ByRae!


Closure Sewn

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Side part using 22,24,26 My Luxury Collection bundles.

Princess Package includes install with Wand curls or crimps , for a guaranteed longer lasting style and lashes with application!!


Middle pt install using 2-16" My Luxury Collection.

The concept to grasp when in reference to closure sewns is "illusion". The "illusion" of a realistic looking part. All hair is braided, and closure is placed for one set part. maintaining a closure solely depends on a clients hair growth. Clients whose hair grows rapidly may cause bi- or tri- weekly tightening. 


Queen Package includes install with Wand curls or crimps for a guaranteed longer lasting style and lashes with application!!



Custom colored closure install!!

Closure Install using My Luxury Blonde Me Collection.

Frontal Sew Ins

Frontals seem to be our biggest dream come true for ALL weave wearers! With its ability to allow any style illusion, frontals are in the game to stay! This piece of lace, stretching ear to ear, allows parts to be made across entire front of head, thus, allowing numerous styles we all love such as Bantu knots! Frontals last from one to two (1-2 month long) installs and require maintenance AT LEAST every other week. To look your best, you must remember frontal installs are a HIGH MAINTENANCE hairdo that you'll of course love!

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VIP Package includes install with my signature Marcel or Wand curls or Marcel Ironing (straightening) for a guaranteed longer lasting style and lashes with application!!


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